
Veins getting you down?

Unsightly veins and redness on the face and body are often a nuisance and can lessen your confidence in wearing the clothes you want or mean that you have to wear more makeup to cover up. So we have sourced the best vein removal techniques and treatments to help remove these little nuisances in time for Spring…

Our fantastic prescribing nurse, Sharon, introduces Microsclerotherapy – a technique that involves injecting a special liquid via a tiny needle into the thread vein. This causes the walls of the veins to stick together, stop functioning, and to disappear. There is no damage to deep veins or surrounding tissue and very little discomfort. A remarkably effective and well documented treatment that gives fantastic results – ideal in the winter so that legs are ready for show once Spring makes an appearance.

For thicker purple veins, the Elite Laser Vein removal system is just the ticket – it uses lasers with different wavelengths, including the Nd:YAG laser, to target the veins. Without damaging any surrounding tissue or vessels, the Elite can destroy the veins, which are then broken down and removed by the body over a few weeks.

ThermaVein is a great way to remove spider veins, fine veins and cherry angioma from the face, neck and hands. It gives instant results and is the most advanced treatment for the removal of facial veins. Harnessing the power of tiny microwave currents, ThermaVein causes the vein to close and disappear instantly, with no downtime.

If you suffer from a complex network of veins on the face, causing diffused redness, then Harmony Vein Removal may be better suited to treating your veins. Using lasers of different wavelengths, both superficial and deeper veins can be treated – the veins absorb the laser energy and this causes them to collapse and break down. Surrounding tissue is unharmed so this treatment is safe and comfortable.

So, worry not, your veins will soon be a thing of the past…