
Our Solutions to your New Years Resolutions

January – the time when we all promise to eat better, work out more and be healthier. Jill Zander has come up with a few ways to help you get on the right track to looking and feeling your best:

Fat Buster: Target the problematic midsection using the incredible, award winning Vanquish Fat Buster, causing fat cells to be destroyed. Combined with the Exilis Elite, which uses Radiofrequency to tighten the skin, the entire area can be sculpted and tightened, leaving you looking amazing.

Beat the Bulge: If too many mince pies have left you feeling wobbly, try this combination of incredible treatments. It can help reduce bingo wings, bra rolls, saddle bags, love handles, stomach pouches, knee wobbles and slack inner thighs.

Starting off with fat freezing using 3D LipoMed Cryolipolysis, unwanted fat cells can be targeted and eliminated. Followed by Lipotripsy Shockwave, using radial wave technology, this non invasive procedure can encourage and enhance fat breakdown and lymphatic drainage. Finally, the Body Ballancer treatment will help with fluid and lymph elimination, resulting in a more refined silhouette as well as a feeling of well-being. Ideal to kick start 2015.

Skin Tight: If you are concerned about sagging jowls and neck, then this combination treatment may be just up your street. The Meder Beauty Arma Lift is a non-invasive Swiss treatment that focuses on contour correction and lifting. You will be amazed by the instant results. Followed by the ClearLift Laser Face Lift, a pain free, no downtime laser facelift which tightens and remodels skin, your sagging jowls will be so 2014!


We look forward to welcoming you soon.