

Cellulite – that annoying orange peel effect that hinders our bikini wearing and is the bane of our lives – but what is it and how do we get rid of it?

Those lumps and bumps are caused by fat pushing up against connective tissue beneath the skin. When the fat cells balloon up, they cause an upward pressure on the connective tissue and this gives rise to the dimpled look on the surface. It tends to be more prevalent in women than men (in fact more than 80% of women have cellulite) because women have a thinner epidermis and columns of fat cells, as opposed to men who have a thicker epidermis and a criss cross pattern of fat cells.

So how can we reduce it?

First and foremost any treatments need to be combined with a healthy, balanced, protein rich, low sugar diet. Circulation is also important so regular exercise helps, and anything that hardens muscle tone such as exercise with weights, will enhance the skin’s appearance.

SmoothShapes Laser Cellulite Reduction  gets to work on both the fat columns and the fibrous columns that divide them. It combines laser and light therapy to melt the fat and make the fat cells permeable, with a vacuum action to help eliminate the fluid and increase the circulation. Over a course of treatments you will notice a smoother and firmer skin.

Lipotripsy Shockwave combines fat busting and cellulite reduction using radial waves to increase fat cell permeability and enhance blood flow and lymphatic drainage. The results are a reduction in fat and a smoother, less dimpled appearance of the skin.

Endermologie Anti-Cellulite treatment involves wearing a cleverly designed body stocking that contains special rollers that stimulate the restructuring of the connective tissue, as well as the blood and lymph circulation which helps drain fluid and toxins away from the areas afflicted, leaving smoother and more refined contours.

The Body Ballancer Lymph Drainage treatment is also an ideal way to rid the body of excess fluid, causing a reduction in the appearance of cellulite and encouraging a natural detox, whilst promoting a feeling of wellbeing and relaxation.

So don’t panic, help is at hand and the bikini is just a few treatments away….