Cool Tech Fat Freezing

Cool Tech is an innovative treatment that allows fat to be destroyed, without harming surrounding collagen and elastin fibres. Totally non-invasive, this pain free treatment gives noticeable results in just one session, with optimum results seen over a treatment programme of three sessions.  Fat is then eliminated through the body’s own lymphatic system naturally.

Cool Tech can be used to treat:

  • Tummy fat and love handles
  • Hips
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Inner and outer knee area
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Back rolls

How does Cool Tech work?

Cool Tech works by creating a vacuum over the area to be treated. As it does so, blood flow is momentarily reduced, which has a controlled cooling or ‘freezing’ effect on fat cells that die as a result. These dead cells are then eliminated via the Lymphatic system, a natural elimination system. It is totally non-invasive and very safe. It is pain free and effective.

What does the treatment involve?

During the treatment, the hand piece will be placed on the area to be treated. This hand piece will create the vacuum and so you may feel some tightness or pinching and some localized cold. This will reduce as the treatment gets underway. The treatment will last around one hour.

Does it hurt?
No, it is a pain free treatment. You may experience some ‘pinching’ because of the suction

What is the skin appearance after treatment?
The skin will appear quite pink and feel quite cold, this will diminish over 24 hours

When will I see results?
Results following the first treatment can be seen after 15 days. The optimum results are seen in a course of treatments at around 12 weeks

How many treatments will I need?
We recommend one to three sessions, each taken between six and eight weeks apart, in order to see the best results. During your consultation, your therapist will be able to advise the best treatment programme for you


